
As we are in the fall season a lot of things are beginning to change. The leaves are falling, the air is becoming a little cooler and soon we will began to see the different colors in the leaves. All because the Lord wants us to enjoy this season. I believe it’s the same spiritually we all go through seasons. None of us are to stay in the first season which is when we made Jesus Lord of our lives. We are all called to come up higher as each new season approaches.

Isaiah 60:1, ” Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”

2 Peter 3:18, ” But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. ”

Psalm 92:12-14, ” The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar in Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.”

As you can see from scripture we are called to arise and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. So what does this mean?

We are called to accomplish his plan for our lives. To carry out his assignment which is to draw all men to him. To allow him to flow in us with signs and wonders. Laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover. Opening up the eyes of the blind. So many times though when we are approaching a new season we get spiritually lazy; because we don’t want to put forth the effort to go up higher. So we choose to be complacent and barely get by. When we do that we miss out on God’s plan and we find ourselves dissatisfied at where we are; but at the same time we allow ourselves to accept it as part of life, instead of pressing in.

So is it time for you to go up higher? Are you stuck? Do you feel like your spiritually dry? How are you finding yourself talking? It says in scripture if your flourishing you will bear fruit along with staying fresh and green. In other words your living a life of peace, love and joy. Your being merciful and gracious. Your not easily irritated. You don’t demand on always being right. ( 1 Corinthians 13 in operation.) Your choosing to believe that nothing is impossible and your lacking nothing. Every area of your life is complete in this season of your life.

Let this be your song if your ready to go up higher.

It’s a new season

It’s a new day

A fresh anointing

Is blowing my way

It’s a season of power and prosperity

It’s a new season and it’s coming to me.

Let today be the day you choose to come up higher. Don’t stay complacent and content at where you are. His plan is peace, nothing missing and nothing lacking. Choose his plan and ARISE!

Lord I Trust You

Have you ever been in that place to where you reminded yourself over and over again, “Lord I Trust You.” Even though you don’t see things changing in the natural you have to tell yourself that. When you do there is a sense of peace that can’t be described.

For a long time the Lord has told me to trust him. It’s hard sometimes to completely surrender everything to God and not have control over things. But if I will ever just get a hold of it and really realize how much God wants to take care of me then casting my cares over on him wouldn’t seem so hard to do.

When I take on cares it opens up a door to frustration and in that I find my joy being depleted. When you have no joy there’s no enter peace and everything tends to be bigger than it really is.

It’s times like today sitting on the porch that I have to remind myself of what God has done for me. Where he brought me from to where I am today. I have to remind myself of the times he took care of the need. Being thankful for the little blessings along the away instead of trying to figure out how he is going to do the big things. Well at least they seem big to me but not to him.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. His peace does mount guard over my heart today. He loves me and cares for me. So with his help I cast all my cares over on him and I say today, “Lord I Trust You.”

Make this your commitment today and choose to say, “Lord I Trust You.”

What Do You Do When Your Frustrated?

So what to do when your frustrated and all you want to do is cry and say it’s no use?

You stand and having done all to stand you keep standing. Parenting is full of so many choices. You either want to turn around and say no more, what’s the use or there’s the other side that says I can’t do that no matter how bad it hurts or how aggravated I get. You can’t stop trying. His grace is made perfect in your weakness and heaven knows we all need it. It’s in those moments you have to remind yourself why you do what you do.

Would you always like to hear the I love you’s first? Would you always like to hear thank you without having to say your welcome first? Yes of course you would. Even if you don’t you have to remember that you can’t cave in. You have to hold your ground in conflict and bear up under the pressure. Your fight isn’t with your children it’s with the enemy.

My encouragement for you today is this: As you continue to love no matter what challenges arise it will pass. You got this. You can do it. You are an amazing parent.

There’s Always Hope

We are never without hope. Hope is a feeling of expectancy, an ambition that drives you to do what you know to do even in the midst of what seems to look impossible.

Isaiah 40:41, ” but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.”

Having your hope in the Lord instead of your own ability, brings a strength that is stable and fixed. Even if you feel as if your going to faint, you find yourself getting back up and being renewed in his strength.

You can’t do life without his guidance. When you do you find yourself discouraged and frustrated.

So my challenge for you today is this: Find your place of hope in God’s goodness today. Determine to pursue him and allow him to show you the strength you have. When you do, you find that place of ambition and expectancy to push through.


Realizing your blessed is so much more than you think. Scriptures say in Matthew 5 that you are blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule in your life. Which is so true. When you realize you can’t make it without him and you surrender completely to his leading then you find a place of peace and love that only he can give.

Scripture also says you’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are-no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourself proud owners of everything that can’t be bought. You where created in God’s image. He calls us his master piece and his work of art. He says you are an awesome wonder and loves everything about you. Don’t underestimate your value as a child of God. He sees you as more than enough and it’s time to see yourself that way because you are blessed.

You’re blessed when you get your inside world- your mind and heart- put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. When your mind and heart is in turmoil or confusion it’s hard to see God move in your life, therefore it’s hard to see him any where else. When you choose to surrender yourself to him, transforming and renewing your hearts and minds to his Word then you can see him even in the smallest things.

These are just a few passages I have shared with you today. In them you can see that you are blessed. You are never alone. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. In your moments of weakness his strength is made perfect and his grace is enough.

You are on your way to a journey that will not just change your life but the lives of those around you. Be blessed today and remember You Are Enough.

Holy Spirit… Is he acknowledged In Your Life?

Holy Spirit is your Helper. He’s your Comforter. His presence should be real in your life. He should go every where you go. His presence should be acknowledged in your life just as much as saying the Name of Jesus or God. They are all three in one and each person cares a big role in your life. So what’s his role in your life?

1. He is your Interceder between you and God. Romans 8:26-27

2. He’s your Helper. John 14:26

3. He fills you with all joy and peace. Romans 15:13

These are just a few. He helps you to understand God’s Word and gives you the answers in what you need to do in every situation.

As you can see from scripture the Holy Spirit is so real, yet so many times neglected to be called on. He’s waiting to restore and rejuvenate your spirit. He’s wants to intercede for you before the Father. He is a gift to you. Invite him into your everyday life. Call on him. Allow him the privilege to be involved in your life. Let him lead, guide and direct you all the while filling you with his joy and peace today.

Being Like the Father

Romans 12:9-20

Father, help me to love from the center of who I am; not faking it. Give me the determination to run from evil; and to hold onto good. Help me to be a good friend who loves deeply; practicing playing second fiddle. Not being burned out; instead keeping myself fueled and a-flamed. I am an alert servant of yours father and cheerfully expectant. Help me not to quit in hard times, instead to pray all the harder. I will stay focused on helping others; along with being inventive in hospitality. Blessing my enemies; and having no cursing under my breath; while laughing with my friends and sharing tears when they’re down. Getting along with others; and not being stuck up. I make a choice to be friends with nobodies; instead of being the great somebody. I choice to not hit back; but I will discover the beauty in everyone. I don’t insist on getting even; because you father will take care of it. In Jesus Name, Amen.

This passage of scripture is extremely powerful in how we are to walk in our representation of Christ. I have as you can see put in a prayer form because it it full of so much power. When we choose to live from the center of our intellect and who we are then it becomes real because we are created in the image of Christ. In that people can see that our love is genuine and not fake. When we choose to put others before ourselves then we see them with appreciation and when they are happy we are happy for them and when they are down we can be the words of encouragement to them. When our focus is on Christ and being like him it will keep us from being burnout and having a flame burning bright as we are obedient to Christ.

As you continue with your day today be motivated and determined to speak words of grace and show compassion to others. As you do you will find yourself more fulfilled as you see the beauty in others; along with knowing that God is fighting for you.

Do You Ever Feel Distant?

Distant is feeling faraway, withdrawn, undemonstrative, and unresponsive

Do you ever find yourself here? Even when it comes to the things of God and even your family?

It’s almost like a dry season. What happens naturally when trees or plants get dry? The leaves, the petals ex. begin to wither and dry. Can you bring them to live again?Water is the source of life to them. It’s where they get there nourishment to grow.

Spiritually when we start feeling distant. It can bring us into a place of dryness. A place we can either die to ourselves and surrender all to God. Allowing him to restore us and refresh us or we can allow our flesh to grow and in that we become dead spiritually.

When we become unresponsive and distant ourselves from spending time with God we become prey to the enemies lies. That’s why it’s so important to die to ourselves. I’m not saying that if you spend every day in God’s presence that you never have a dry season. I believe you can; but a-lot of times those dry seasons should push us to go higher. It simply means you’ve matured where you are at and it’s time to grow. Which means crucifying the flesh and making a choice to press in.

So if you have caught yourself being distant ask yourself two questions.

1. Am I fully surrendered to God?

2. Is it time to go up higher?

Be honest with yourself and with God. When you do you will find yourself coming alive and being refreshed.