It’s Time To Fully Enter In

When God brings you to your promise land you have to choose whether or not to walk in and take possession. So many times we enter out promise land yet we never conqueror it because the giants that are present. We tend to look at what’s around us and we see ourselves less and we realize we lack the confidence we need to fully enter in. 

When the children of Israel where getting ready to enter the promise land Caleb was confident and courageous and knew they could take possession of the land because they could certainly conquer it. While the men that went with them where afraid because the men they saw where of a great size and they seemed like grasshoppers. They didn’t see themselves with any value or worth when facing the giants in the land. 

How many times do we do that. We get all pumped up and ready then all of a sudden we encounter a situation and we allow it to belittle us and we begin to feel inferior so we shrink back into mediocrity and refuse to fight. 

What giants are keeping you from being a conqueror? We are called to be more than conquerors. One who achieves more than just ordinary battles. We are destined for greatness. It’s time for us to rise up and take our authority and use the word of God against the giants that are standing in our way. No more will you see yourselves as grasshoppers or people of insignificance. You are strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Nothing is ever to impossible for you to overcome. 

What’s Your Purpose

We all have things we want to do in life. Places we want go, where we want to live and what we want to be. There is nothing wrong with any of that if those plans fit into your purpose and destiny that God set in motion for you before the beginning of time. If what you are doing doesn’t bring joy and fulfillment then take a step back and ask yourself, “ Is this God’s purpose for my life?” If not find out what is. His purpose will always bring fulfillment not only in your life but in the lives of those you are around. His purpose for you will never fail. It will always stand and bare fruit in order for you to be effective in every area of your life. 

You are destined for greatness. Regardless of your age you have a purpose. Find out what it is and determine to go after it and live a life your called to live. A life full of laughter, excitement, joy and fulfillment. 

Confidence in the Lord 

We are called to be confident in the Lord. Relying on his unfailing protection, provision and certainty in our lives. Realizing that even if we don’t quit understand it, we choose to bless the Lord anyway. 

It’s in those moments of blessing him that we realize that he will never abandon us, and that we do not have to be shaken or moved by our five physical scenes; we choose instead to rejoice. When we rejoice our body is at peace, and we know in that moment we will not see failure or defeat. Instead, we will see the outstretched arm of the Lord show up every time. 

For every good and perfect gift comes from God. So we know that at his right hand are pleasures forever more because there are no limits to what all God can and will do in our lives. Take the limits off, we are not limited. He is our cup of blessings, he is our portion. Choose to be still and know that he is God and in him we will never be disappointed. 

He Knows You

Jeremiah 12:3, “ As for you, Lord, you know me; you see me. You test whether my heart is with you.”Psalm 139 “ Lord, you have searched me and known me….you understand my thoughts from far away…. Before a word is on my tongue, you know all about it Lord…. Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the way everlasting way.” 

Both of these scriptures let’s us see that God knows us. He knows what goes on in our heart and mind. He knows what scares us, what makes us happy and what aggravates us. He knows what makes us laugh and what makes us cry. He knows when we are in faith and when we are in fear. He knows what we are going to say before we ever say it. Nothing we can ever do or say can separate us from the love and compassion of our Heavenly Father. 

When the scriptures talk about the heart; it’s talking about our mind, will and emotions. So many times we allow our emotions to take over and it blinds our judgement; But instead of letting our emotions take over we simply need to say, “Lord I will trust you. You promised in your Word that you will give him perfect peace who’s mind is stayed on you.” In those moments of believing his word along with taking a deep breath you begin to feel and sense the peace of God that passes all understanding mounting guard over your heart and mind.

 You may not understand everything your facing but in those times remember God knows who you are and where you are in your walk with him. He is always right there ready to lift you up and walk with you and give you the strength you need. He  is your Shepherd. He never leaves you alone, he will never forsake you. He loves you. 

Begin to line your words up with his and in those moments when you feel overwhelmed let his word wash over you and allow his presence to become the most important thing in your life.  

Have You Made Mistakes?

Don’t let your mistakes determine the person your called to be. People are always going to talk and point fingers, it’s how you respond and carry yourself that determines your own outcome. A lot of times when others judge you, it’s because they would rather point out your faults then change themselves. 

Just because you make mistakes doesn’t make you a bad person; it just means there’s areas of growth that still need to take place. It’s when you find those areas that you don’t like and you take them to God with the confidence you need to rise above them; knowing that the Lord is your helper. 

It’s in those moments of taking it to God that you need to make sure your not holding unforgiveness in your heart about others that have pointed out your mistakes. When you harbor unforgiveness  it keeps you in bondage. 

Determine to live a life of freedom. Not being bound up with unforgiveness and what others think of you. You are bright and intelligent. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are an overcomer and you have the power to overcome offenses. You are strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. You have greatest inside of you. Never under any circumstance compare yourself to others or let them dictate you because of mistakes. Choose today to get up, Shake it off and move forward. Don’t look back at your mistakes but learn from them and determine within yourself not to make the same mistakes again; instead be the best you that God has called you to be. 

The Power Is In You

There is nothing like seeing one of children fighting symptoms of sickness. As parents there’s times we may even feel helpless. In all reality that’s far from the truth. As parents we are empowered to lay hands on our children and go to war against the enemy on our children’s behalf. As a parent you are powerful. You don’t have to sit around and feel helpless any longer; take up the Word of God and declare it over your child. You have the power in you to tell the devil to take his hands off your child and declare the truth. “By the strips of Jesus your children are made whole.” “No weapon formed against your children can prosper.” “He will have his angels to stand guard over your children.” “Your children dwell in the secret place of the Most High God.” Believe it and speak it into the atmosphere of your home and into your children.  

You may not see the full manifestation all at once but you can rest assure that God’s Word doesn’t return void, it accomplished what its sent out to do. 

You are strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. As for you and your house you will serve the Lord with nothing missing in the Name of Jesus. 

It’s Not Over

We all face challenging situations to where we feel everything is coming against us all at one time. There’s even times we may feel as if God is no where around. Even in those moments or times of disbelieve God is fighting for us. We may not always see it at first but He is making away; we just have to listen and be obedient. 

Exodus 14:16, “But Moses said to the people, “ Don’t be afraid, Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation that he will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you must be quiet.” The Lord said to Moses, “ Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to break camp. As for you, lift up your staff, stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.”

As you can see here Moses was encouraging the Israelites. First he told them not to be afraid. Fear is our number one enemy. Whether it’s fear to step out and try something new. Fear of believing God will come through. Fear is always going to be present. What you do in the face of it will determine your outcome. Moses also told the Israelites to stand firm. Standing firm simply means to cast all your care over on God with the confidence of knowing he’s got it. When we do that we will see the salvation of the Lord in every area of our lives. A lot of times we focus so much on the challenges to where it keeps us from simply being quiet and knowing that He is God. Nothing is impossible for him. He wants to fight for us and give us words to speak that will change the course of our lives. 

Just as God told Moses to lift up his staff, stretch out his hand over the sea, so that it would divide to where the children of Israel could walk through it; he will do the same for you. He will give you specific details of how to get out of every situation and come out victoriously. 

The key to all of this is to know that you are not alone. God loves you and wants to turn every challenge and situation around in your favor. He wants to be the one you turn to and have confidence in and know he is God. Take today and train yourself to be still and listen. Get the steps you need to move past what your facing and overcome them with a word from the Lord.