Gods Plan Is Good

Genesis 50:20, “ You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result- the survival of many people.”

Joseph was sold into slavery, thrown into prison under false charges but through it all he remained in a place of peace within himself, giving the enemy no foothold to come in. Joseph realized that the power of God was bigger than any situation he faced or how long he had to endure. Romans 8:28, “ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

We all have a choice to either stay focused on God or to look back and ask the “what if” questions. We can’t hang out in the past, we have to to stay in the present which is where God’s grace flows in our lives. 

Every negative circumstance can always have a positive outcome. That outcome is based on how we choose to handle situations. Determine today to live in the present, while trusting God to turn things around for your good. 

Thankful Praise

Have you ever noticed that when you praise and have a thankful heart it closes the door to the enemy?

Thankful praise to God is what puts the joy in our spirts and gives us the strength to look at every situation with eyes of faith, and know that things are going to work in our favor. 
Without thankful praise we find ourselves in a place of acceptance. A place of reasoning with the enemy which is dangerous ground. 

Reasoning causes us to settle. As believers we are never called to settle in life. We are told to overcome and defeat the enemy with the Word of God and with a thankful heart. 

So today get your praise on. Begin to thank the Lord for what he has done and for what he is about to do. Most of all thank him for who he is in your life. 

Not Until You Bless Me

When Jacob was wrestling with the angel this was his request, “I will not let you go until you bless me.” Considering Jacob didn’t give up no matter how hard the struggle between the two become he received his request. How many times have we been in a situation and we needed something done quickly, but we didn’t take the necessary time staying in prayer or in God’s presence to turn it around? Why do you think we are like that at times? I know personally in my life it’s because of spiritual laziness. I didn’t want to wait. I’m learning the more I spend in Gods presence and learn to hear his instructions the easier those situations become. Meaning they don’t seem so big if I don’t constantly keep my eyes on them but on the one that can turn everything around. God wants to bless us with every spiritual blessings, everything heaven has to offer. The thing is are we willing to pay the price? Putting down the phone and choosing to pick up the Bible and pray. Turning off the television and spend that time with God that would turn our situations around to work in our favor? I’m not saying we can’t be on our phones and watch television, but when we feel that leading from the Lord to draw close to him are we going to do it? 

Always remember God is not withholding from us. It doesn’t matter if it has been days, weeks, months or years since you’ve been in God’s presence. Just surrender and in that moment you will feel his forgiveness, his love, and his mercy surrounding you and you will know as Jacob did that you have been in the presence of the Lord. It’s just the beginning, if we don’t quit because it gets tuff. Hang in there and your faith in God’s Love will get you through and you will come out on top. 

How Are You Living Your Life?

“Are you living up to the fulfillment that God has called you to live?” Pastor Nick Jones. 

In other words are you living up to the achievement of something desired or promised that God has called you to live? Are you meeting the requirements or conditions of your calling that God has placed on your life?

If not what’s holding you back? Fear or lack of confidence? If so God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. It says that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Meaning he equips you to do what he has placed in you to do. 

Everything you need to accomplish what God has placed in you to do is inside of you. You just have to tap into it by getting alone with God, praying and allowing him to download the necessary steps for you to take to fulfill what he has placed in you. Get alone with God and ask him, “what have you called me to do?” Then evaluate your life and find out what you truly enjoy doing. A lot of times the things you enjoy doing can be tied into the purpose and ministry God has called you to fulfill. 

Ex. I enjoy writing, praying with people, teaching God’s Word, dancing, drinking coffee and spending time with my family.  All these things that I enjoy doing ties into ministry by equipping and encouraging the body of Christ. You may be puzzled by the coffee one. Let me explain I can go out with some ladies, my family or my spouse and we can encourage each other or just laugh and enjoy each other’s presence. Laughter does good like medicine. Everything we do should have a purpose for advancing the kingdom of God. No desire is to big or to small to advance the kingdom. 

So I encourage you today to write down the things you enjoy doing and find out how they tie into the destiny and purpose that God has for you to live. 

Is Anything Impossible?

Genesis 18:14, “Is anything impossible for the Lord?” 

Luke 1:37, “ For nothing will be impossible with God.”

Jeremiah 32:27, “Look, I am the Lord, the God over every creature. Is anything too difficult for me?”

As you can see God isn’t against the things we desire to have. He just wants us to believe He can do it. When we set our faith in agreement with him. nothing is impossible or to difficult for him to do. 

We first have to settle the question, “Is anything impossible for the Lord?” within ourselves. Once it’s settled then know that he hears you and that your desires are coming to pass. 

When you choose to dwell in him, “In his presence” he desires to give to you. You are his prized position. His work of art and he takes great joy in seeing his blessings unfold in your life. 

What is it that you desire from the Lord? Do you believe he can meet the request? If so then stand in faith, make a vision board and daily keep it before your eyes and watch it unfold. 

Remember, Nothing is to difficult for the Lord!

What Are You Expecting?

Just because things doesn’t always go as planned doesn’t mean things are not going well for you. We have to be people of vision and expectation. Without a vision we have no purpose, which causes us to go through the motions of life. In doing that we settle for whatever happens or comes our way. 

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of living my life like that. I choose to expect great things today. I’m determined to get God’s vision for my life. 

The moment we start seeing things change in the spirit is the moment they will start changing in the natural realm. Begin seeing yourself doing ministry, or in that career God has placed upon your heart. Begin seeing yourself successful, your bills paid in full, living in that house you’ve always wanted, driving that car you’ve always dreamed of having. Begin seeing your marriage the way you always dreamed for it to be. See your children fulfilling their purpose in life. How you do this is by getting pictures in front of you of how you want things to be for you. 
Don’t settle for mediocrity, you have a purpose. Choose to stay positive. Choose to have a good attitude and be determined to have a productive day. Speaking forth the things you desire to happen in your life. You serve a Big God, who wants to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ask or think. He always has your best interest at heart. 

So choose today to line your words up with his words, stay positive and begin to see yourself different. In doing that you will see things starting to turn around in your favor. 
Remember, You Are Destined For Greatness!

Open the Gates

“When the enemy shall come in, like a river the Spirit of God will make him flee.” Isaiah 59:19

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

These two scripture work together. Think about it, the Spirit of God will make him flee; and when you submit to God and resist Satan he will flee. See when you submit to what God’s Word says about your situation it shows your resistance. So when your in  agreement with the Word it causes God to show up on the scene and like a river he makes Satan flee. 

So my question is, “are you going to resist Satan or are you going to let him take your stuff?”

The scripture is very clear about God wanting to work with you, but are you willing and obedient enough to submit to the Word and resist or in other words are you ready to exert force in the enemy’s direction? The force is the Word and choosing to not back down. 

It may seem easier to lay down in defeat. In all reality it isn’t; its actually harder. Think about it, when your using the Word and your resisting the enemy, you have joy and confidence. When you give up and let things just happen the pressure seems more intense, you worry more and stress along with frustration sets in. So ask yourself which one you would rather be?

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of walking around feeling defeated. I choose to submit to God, Resist Satan and like a river let the Spirit of God flee Satan from my life. 
So who’s with me?

Are You Playing the Game?

I know most of everyone watched the game last night. It was a close one especially at the end when Georgia gave the game away to Alabama; causing Alabama to win the championship. 

This game is no different then our spiritual walk or our walk of life. Think about it, things are going good, we think we can handle anything and then the moment we let our guard down is when the enemy sneaks in and has a way in our affairs and in our lives. 

The key to all of this is to realize who we are. No matter what it may look like, there’s always away out, if our focus is right. If our focus is on what we don’t have or didn’t accomplish it can cause us to feel defeated. The thing is we may feel like we lost or we failed but as the Righteousness of God we may have fallen but we get back up, dust ourselves off and persevere, refusing defeat. We have to remind ourselves what God says about our situation, and rely on His grace and mercy to give us a way of escape and overcome the obstacles what are standing in our way. 

The biggest thing to remember, is we have to keep our minds alert and our hearts receptive to God’s Word and our words seasoned with grace and faith as we walk in love. 
In doing that we will always come out on top regardless of what it may look like right now. You are an overcomer. 

You are victorious.

You are more than a conqueror. 

You are Gods masterpiece. 

Believe in yourself, for you are never alone. 

What’s Following You?

“Only GOODNESS and FAITHFUL LOVE will PURSUE me all the days of my life.” Ps. 23

If other things and situations are trying to pursue you then make this your declaration today. Remembering that no one or no thing can overtake you unless you allow it to. 

Psalm states that only goodness and faithful love will pursue you. Determine that this is how you will live your life. Expect great things to happen in your life. Expect them to chase you down, so you can live the life you are called to live. 

The Lord wants his faithful love to overtake you and surround you to where you can find joy and mercy in the midst of every situation. The Lord wants to encamp you with everything heaven has to offer. Which is grace, mercy, love, joy, peace, comfort, encouragement, health, riches and honor. 

He wants you to experience life to the fullest and realize that there may be times in your life to where you fill you are going through a dark place but even in that place you don’t have to fear; instead take comfort in knowing the Lord is your Shepherd and in Him you have all you need. See, he is in you so therefore inside you is everything you need to accomplish anything and everything he has for you. 
Goodness and faithful love will chase you down and overtake you. For you are a child of the Most High God and you are one of his prized positions.