The Waiting Room

So many times we get complacent in our waiting period. Especially when we try to do things on our own. It seems like everyone around us is getting their miracle. So once again we find ourselves settling for less than Gods best.Wait-Upon-the-LordJesus is saying to us, “Get up! Quit sitting and trying to do something in your own strength that can only be done through me.”

Jesus will give you the strength you need to move forward in your destination. He will give you the ability to stand strong against adversity along with an availability to be and to do what your called to do; only through him. Stop looking around at other people and choose to Get Up and be determined to move forward with God at all cost.

A lot of times “secret sin” that hasn’t been dealt with causes us to be complacent and paralyzed in our faith. Jesus says to you today, “Your sins have been forgiven, rise up and walk.”

It’s time to walk spiritually whole, lacking nothing. Let life spring up from within you!

John 5:24, “…the person whose ears are open to My words and believes and trusts in and clings to and relies on Him who sent Me has eternal life. And he does not come into judgement, but he has already passed over out of death into life.”

Stop letting your past mistakes determine your future. Stop allowing yourself to have a pity party when you are called to rise high above the storm. Soar higher and know you are destined for greatness; because greater is He who is in you then he who is in the world. No matter the past its been forgiven. Stand up and fight the good fight of faith and serve God with a determination to obey him fully.



Stop and Smell the Roses

So many times we get in a hurry and we miss the opportunity to share the love of Jesus. We face opportunities to be a blessing every day. Whether it’s a smile, a word of encouragement, a cup of coffee, or a financial blessing. 

When we stop and listen to God, it’s like a sweet smelling sacrifice presented to him; because we are walking in love and showing his love to others. In return, there is an overwhelming presence of joy and excitement that rises up within us, because our focus was on someone else, and we honored our Heavenly Father. 

When we get our focus off of us and onto others; God will make sure we are taken care of. It will be like the Garden of Eden. Where everything flows and functions in Gods perfection. (every area of our lives free from flaws and defects.)

So remember today to stop and smell the roses. 


You know just when you really see your life isn’t perfect. You can face the reality and choose to change it or you can walk away from it. The choice is always up to each individual. So many times the stress of life, children and marriage can be very overwhelming especially if your trying to fix it in the flesh or with old mindsets. The best way to overcome any challenge is to stop and listen. Realize when things are getting overwhelming and choice to be the voice that brings peace instead of chaos. 

Our lives are what we make it. Our homes are what we make it. It’s either our safe haven or it’s a temporary living arrangement. A safe haven is a place we should all feel free to make mistakes, a place we laugh and cry; without fear of rejection or intimidation. If our home isn’t a safe haven then it’s just another place to live. 

Family is important to God and it should be important to us. I know there will always be challenges but it’s what we make of the challenges that either pull a family together and resolve it or it tears us all apart. 

It takes all of us to make a family great. Don’t give into the stress of life. If you catch yourself giving into it take a deep breathe, pray and determine to not loose hold of what truly matters in life; which is family.  

Don’t Compromise

Psalms 92:12,”The uncompromisingly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree be long lived, stately, upright, useful and fruitful; they shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon majestic, stable, durable and incorruptible.”When we make a choice not to compromise with what we see, then we will flourish. Meaning,what we see with the natural eye is subject to change. If we will dare to believe God, then we will be useful to the Kingdom of God, we will live a long life and bare good fruit. Not only that, but we will grow and live a stable life, we will be durable in our faith, we will not grow week in believing God and we will be incorruptible in the face of our adversary. 

We serve a BIG God who wants to be mighty in our lives. It’s time to be bold in our faith and not compromise. When we choose to compromise we are settling for less then God’s best. Dare to believe God. Be like Jabez and say, ” Bless me indeed, enlarge my coast, that your  hand may be with me. Keep me from evil so that it will not grieve me.”

Don’t compromise. There is more to life then what you see with the natural eye. Look deep into your spirit, what do you want? Choose not to settle and be bold as a lion. Ask what you will and it will be done for you. 

Are You Sowing?

Mark 4:4, ” The sower sows the Word.”The Kingdom of God is about sowing and reaping. To live a life with purpose we are to sow what we want to receive. To receive the best that heaven has to offer consist of us sowing the Word of God. We do that by the words that come out of our mouth. The seeds we sow from our words are the ones we reap. 

When we sow the Word of God we automatically know that there will not be any crop failure. We may have to keep watering with the Word; but when the harvest is ready it’s the results of what we have been believing for. 

So many times the enemy tries to trip us up by deceiving us to believe that what we see is the way it’s always going to be; which is not true. 

We are sowers and when we sow the Word we can expect our harvest. When thoughts of doubt try to creep in just refuse to believe them and use God’s Word to combat them. 

We may have to stand, persevere and be patient but we will reap if we faint not. If you think about it, when we feel faint from standing that’s the time we need to press in more and water what we want to receive. We can’t waste time by giving into the pressure of the enemy, that wants us to give up and quit, especially right at the peek of our harvest. 

God’s Plan

Do you want what God wants for your life? 

It’s so easy to get caught up in what we want and don’t want in life; that we miss what God wants for us. 

God has a plan for all of us and that plan is for us to prosper, be in health, live in the blessing and have all that heaven has to offer. We have a choice though and a free will to either choose his plan or our plan. 

How many of you have ever made a plan for your life? You know how many children you want, who you want to marry, where you will live, what job you want and so forth. Did you ask God what his plan was? If you’re like most of us you probably didn’t. So therefore, you may be living a good life but yet you feel as if there is more to life than what your experiencing. If so it’s not to late to seek God, get his plan and move forward in his direction. 

You have a purpose and a destiny. You are very valuable to God, your spouse and your children. God’s plan is for you to live under the blessing and in return be the blessing until all the families of the earth have been blessed. 

Find his plan and in his plan you will find fulfillment.