Are You Secured Around the Rock?

When you think of a palm tree what do you think about?

My first thought is the beach. The second thought is something very interesting.  A palm trees roots do not stop going deep into the ground until it finds a rock to wrap its roots around. Once it does then no matter the storms that arise it’s grounded securely around a rock. Psalm 1:3,” And he shall be like a tree firmly planted and tended by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade and wither; and everything he does shall prosper and come to maturity.”

Like a palm tree, if we will wrap ourselves securely around the Word of God, then regardless of the storms we face we will not fall. If by chance you have fallen then ask God to search your heart and find out what caused you to let go of God’s Word. 

Once you do that, stop and remember Gods grace and mercy. Cling tight to it and you will find yourself wrapped by the love of God. 

He is our Shield, our Glory and the one who lifts up our head. When we are wrapped in Him then we have the joy and the strength to persevere. 

Confession for the day:

I LOVE You ferverently and devotedly, O Lord, my Strength. 

Day By Day

Ephesians 4:22-24,” Strip yourself of your former nature which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion; and be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude and put on the new nature the regenerated self created in Gods image in true righteousness and holiness.”

We are told to do this because once we became a child of God our old self was gone and our new self was alive and made new. 

We are not who we used to be. We may look the same on the outside at first but we are being renewed daily into the image and glory of God. No matter what we went through, what we did and maybe even going through right now, doesn’t define who we are in Christ Jesus. 

We are created in his image, therefore, we are not known by who we used to be. Man may try to bring up the past and when they do, stand in confidence of who you are in Christ Jesus. The old you has been stripped away and it’s time to be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude. 

The only way to do that is by getting into the word of God. Hearing it and speaking it. Allowing the word to get down in you and renewing you from the inside out. 

Stop and think about a project being established. You have the plans drawn up and the structure of the building is going up. You may not see the finished work with your natural eyes but on the inside of you, you have a mental picture of what it will be. Same way with us. We may not see us the way God sees us yet but the more we renew our minds on who we are in Christ the stronger our spirit man will become and then we will have a mental image of who we are in Christ. 

“We are strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.” “No weapon formed against us shall prosper.”

When you think about these two scriptures how do you see yourself?

 Create a positive image of yourself in your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how God sees you. We have to constantly renew our minds, reminding ourselves of who we are because there are so many reasons that will try to stop us and cause us to think less of ourselves. 

You know what though, that’s not us. We are not of those that draw back in our faith. We are the righteousness of God. The old us is gone and the new us is being renewed day by day. 

A New Journey

Change can be hard at times. I know in my own life, I enjoy change, yet at the same time I have to make sure to not allow fear or anxiety to choke out the joy that change can bring. 

Example: For years I have home schooled my children and now they are going to a school. 

Inside of me I am both excited and anxious at times. It’s moments like this that I have to trust in the confidence of God’s Word that he will guide them and protect them. 

God gave our children to us to rear them in his guidenence. I have to believe that what I’ve taught them and prayed over them will carry them and even if they may be faced with temptation they have the strength within themselves to submit to God and resist the enemy. 

Parenting and choosing to release our children into God’s hands shouldn’t make us nervous, because God trusted us to give them to us and he’s asking us to trust him while giving them back to him. 

Remember, when your children where babies and you dedicated them to the Lord? It’s that moment we need to go back to and remember God has our children covered. 

Now, we play a big role in leading them and covering them in prayer, directing them in the right direction but realizing  that God is their ultimate protector. 

This change that will soon take place is a big one but like I said I have to rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct them in their selection of friends, their actions and attitudes. 

Speaking positive over our children is very important. We are not to speak what we see or how they are acting especially if it’s not positive. We are to speak what Gods Word says about them. Along with loving them and spending memorable time with them. 

CHANGE: Choosing Hope And Noticing Grace Encounters. 

Meaning it is time to hope along with noticing God’s grace when it comes to our children. They need to know that even though they may mess up, they can always turn to us, so we can show them the hope and grace they need to come out on top. 

Finding Your True Identity

So many times we see ourselves unworthy and unloved and we walk around defeated because we are not happy with ourselves. I want you to know there is hope for you today. It is your time to receive your victory.Untitled design

My first book is available on and along with digital download.

Love Always Covers…

love-covers1 Peter 4:8, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.”

Proverbs 10:12, ” Hatred stirs up strife;but love covers all sins.”

Proverbs 17:9, “He that covers a transgression seeks love; but he that repeats a matter separates friends.”

The only way to truly be able to cover sin and love, is to receive what Jesus did on the cross; because of his blood that was shed and the forgiveness he spoke out, makes it possible for us to love and cover sin. I’m not saying you cover it up as if it never happened, I’m simply saying that regardless of what they do, you don’t rehearse their sin, you choose to love them regardless and forgive. Even though you know what they did was wrong, it’s still our duty as a follower of Jesus to love the person, and bind the sin and release forgiveness in the atmosphere.

If all we do is hate, then we are causing strife and releasing toxins in our own body and missing out on a life full of love and forgiveness ourselves.

When we know someone is in the wrong we don’t go around confessing their sin, we are still to show love in our words; knowing that God still has a plan for their life, they have just gotten off course. Therefore, we don’t tear them down, even though we want to at times.

Love is living out victory everyday and seeing the best in every person.

Don’t allow the sin of others cause you to get out of love. Don’t allow it to rear you in a different direction. You do what you are called to do as a child of God and God will do the rest.


Will You Continue to Walk with God?

Walking-With-GodIn our walk with God, there are going to come times that we are going to have to choose to either push through and persevere or we  choose to walk away from everything God is doing. So many times it seems easier to walk away, but in all reality walking away is the hardest thing to do. We may not see it in the beginning but we will on down the road.

A lot of times when we choose to move forward regardless of what we have walking through there will be a shift that will talk place, it may not be a pleasant one but even in the midst of it, God has a plan. If we stay consistent and persevere then the outcome will be his glory.

No matter what your facing today God is there, filling you with his strength and covering you in the shadow of his wings. In that place of comfort, you will find peace and the grace you need to overcome. Remember, you are never alone and as along as we bind together we will have the strength and the ability to be all we are called to be.

Something to remember, “God is your refuge and your fortress. He is your strong tower and your source of hope. “

Soft Answers turn away anger every time

This morning as I’m sittin here at the table, drinking coffee and reading Gods Word; I came across these few scriptures that I want to share with you. 

Proverbs 15:1 says,” A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.”

Verse 4 says,” A gentle tongue with its healing power is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit.”

Verse 18 says,” A hot tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger appeases contention.”

These scriptures spoke so clearly to me. I look back over the last few days at how true it is. As parents and spouses we need to think before we speak. Realizing that how we speak to them will determine how there spirit responds. We either tear down or build up every time we speak. The scriptures are clear about soft answers, a gentle tongue and being slow to anger on how we have better relationships with those we love and come in contact with. 

If we want to be a walking example of Jesus  we have got to stop allowing our flesh to get in the way of our spirit reacting to the Word of God. 

If we will determine within ourselves to respond with soft answers we will get better results and love will reign supreme in our hearts and resolve contention every time. 

Personal Prayer To Pray

Dear Father,

Cause  me to hear your loving kindness this morning, for on You do I lean and in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my inner self to You. Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies (of_____________________________); I flee to You to hide me(in the shadow of your wings, while casting all my care over on you). Teach me to do your will(which is to love unconditionally, forgive often, be strong and courageous, have faith in your word and have a desire to give), for you are my God(My Provider and my Deliverer); let Your good Spirit lead me into a level country and into a land of uprightousness. Save my life, O Lord, for Your names sake; in Your righteousness bring my life out of trouble and free me from distress. And in your mercy and loving kindness cut off my enemies(of_________________________________) destroy all those who afflict my inner self, for I am Your servant. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Are you in a stagnate place in your life?

Stagnate is the atmosphere of a confined space, having no current or flow. It’s motionless, sluggish, inactive, slow moving and doormat. What inspires and motivates you?

Stagnate life comes when there isn’t anything that excites you enough for you to take action. 

If there where never limitations, what would you want to do? 

If you could have whatever you wanted what would it be?

What are your goals to accomplish those things? It’s time to pursue the goals that inspire you. 

Maybe it’s time to shake things up a little in your life. Take a different route when your going somewhere. Eat something different. Do something different on your day off that you haven’t done in awhile. 

What puts you in a stagnate state in your life?

Personally what puts me in a stagnate state of life is not being able to do something different. So therefore I get in this mode to where I don’t want to do anything because it’s the same thing over and over again. 

This is not the way we are intended to live. Our life should have purpose, meaning, and excitement. 

Psalm 128:2,” For you shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; happy, blessed shall you be and it shall be well with you.”

Do you enjoy what you are doing? If not maybe it’s time to try something different. What inspires you? Then pursue that dream. Find out what you have to do and do it with everything that’s within you. Once you do, you will find yourself moving forward instead of being stagnate and letting life pass you by. 

You are destined for more.